When Carolina watches a factory owner dump rotted food near the favela, she considers it an act of blatant cruelty. 在南卡罗来纳州的工厂老板手表倾倒腐烂食品附近的贫民窟,她认为这是公然的残酷行为。
Factory of Oriental hardware of sea of Ou of lukewarm state city is a professional production set auger act the role of change of tasted dress, shoe the limited company of complementary makings. 温州市瓯海东方五金厂是一家专业生产镶钻饰品的服装、鞋革辅料的有限公司。
English factory act and child labour education 英国的工厂法与童工教育
Research work in this paper includes inelastic analysis of earthquake responses of single-story factory buildings with roofs continuing to act as a whole unit under seismic action. 本文研究了单层厂房在地震动作用下屋盖保持完整的非弹性地震反应。
On the other hand, some components of industry factory damaged in different extents, due to being affected by act of God ( for example, by earthquake, by warfare and exploding). 另外,由于受不可抗力的影响(比如,受地震、战争或危险品的爆炸等影响),使得工业厂房的部分构件出现了程度不同的破坏。